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Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School Horncastle


QEGS Careers Newsletter

This Padlet has been created to share careers information, advice and guidance with the QEGS community. It will be updated weekly to feature new opportunities and careers events taking place.

The ‘careers’ section of the library has several How2become... books which will help you explore various career options.

Students in KS3 are taught citizenship and careers in a weekly lesson, students are also taught wellbeing during a form period every fortnight – meet the teachers.

Students are visited regularly from health professionals, Police Officers and people with expertise in business and industry. These include regular school nurse clinics, presentations from guest speakers, QEGS Alumni, curriculum theme days and drama workshops. These sessions are organised to challenge stereotypes and develop the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed choices about:

  • Their health and lifestyle
  • Their environment
  • Their future
  • Their rights and responsibilities

Careers and Citizenship at QEGS: Student Programme

Gatsby Benchmark

Careers and Citizenship at QEGS will provide the following opportunities to meet this benchmark…

1) A stable careers programme

  • Year 7: Self-awareness and work related learning is covered in the personal development programme
  • Year 8: Careers module covering employability qualities
  • Year 9: Careers module covering careers research and GCSE options
  • Year 9: Introduction to higher education module covered in citizenship
  • Year 10: Apprenticeships are introduced and explored
  • Year 10: Work related learning modules covered
  • Year 11: Careers module covering work experience  and post 16 options
  • Year 12: CV’s and interview skills citizenship module
  • Year 12: Careers module covering UCAS applications, apprenticeships and student finance

2) Learning from career and labour market information

  • All years: Careers libraries in the school library and sixth form study room
  • Year 9: Options evening with guest speakers to inform on the different routes
  • Year 10: Citizenship modules covering ‘Rights at Work’ and ‘Trade Unions’
  • Year 12: National and local labour market module covered

3) Addressing the needs of each pupil

  • Year 9: Individual strengths and weaknesses profiling in citizenship
  • Year 9: Lesson in citizenship module challenging stereotypical thinking
  • Year 9: ‘Stop the clock’ student interviews
  • Year 10 onwards: Personal careers planning
  • Year 11: Detailed action plans developed from careers interviews
  • Year 11: ‘Stop the clock’ student interviews
  • Year 11: Transitions Evening focusing on next steps
  • Year 12: Each student is assigned an academic tutor
  • Post 18: Destination data monitored

4) Linking curriculum learning to careers

  • All years: Links to careers within subject lessons
  • Year 9: Options evening, ‘Careers in this subject’ discussions to support GCSE options process

5) Encounters with employers and employees

  • Year 10-13: Careers fair supported by local business and alumni members
  • Year 12: Mock job interviews with local business volunteers
  • Year 12: Challenge of management days, local business leaders act as advisors

6) Experiences of workplaces

  • All years: Young Enterprise Scheme event attended
  • Year 11: Work experience for a week
  • Year 12: students encouraged to complete work experience
  • Year 13: Work experience is an option for enrichment lessons

7) Encounters with further and higher education

  • Year 10: ‘First Steps to Study’ programme with Bishop Grosseteste University
  • Year 11: National Citizen Service promoted and students encouraged
  • Year 12: Visit to a Higher Education Convention at the University of Lincoln
  • Year 12: ‘Next Steps to Study’ programme with Bishop Grosseteste University
  • Year 12: Information for, and support with attending university open days provided
  • Year 12: Post 18 information evening attended by visiting speakers from local universities

8) Personal guidance

  • Y9-13: Students referred for 1:1 guidance interviews
  • Year 11: 1:1 guidance interviews for all students with an external careers advisor
  • Year 11-13: external careers advisor is available at one parents evening for each year group
  • Year 12: Each student is assigned an academic tutor


Online Careers Advice

Get immediate and personal careers advice from the National Careers Service via phone, text or online chat.

QEGS students have access to their Unifrog account outside of school using the following link - This can be used to access Labour Market Information, find out more about career opportunities, log their competencies and to research next steps.

New Careers Statutory Guidance

QEGS adheres to The DfE statutory guidance document for school careers programmes (often referred to as the Baker Clause).

If you would like to find out more information about supporting the careers programme at QEGS, please read the careers policy below. This document outlines how QEGS will comply with the minimum requirement to provide six encounters with providers of approved technical education qualifications or apprenticeships as well as the procedures associated with booking events at QEGS.

Careers policy

All providers, businesses or alumni wishing to contact QEGS in relation to careers-related activities should make contact with Mrs Sarah Holmes (Careers Leader), you can telephone her at school, or contact her by email.
The latest version of the QEGS Careers Newsletter for parents can be found here: 
Careers Newsletter - Mar 2025