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Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School Horncastle

School Development Plan

Every year the Senior Leadership Team prepares a plan that brings together all the priorities for the coming academic year.

The plan is called the School Development Plan (SDP) and it is put forward to the Local Governing Body, then the Board of Trustees for approval each year.

Our priorities for 2024-25 are:

Aiming for excellence:

  • Schemes of learning are reviewed to ensure that learning aims are clear and ambitious for all, including those with SEND.
  • The enrichment programme for L6th is implemented successfully and the planning for U6th enrichment programme in 2025-26 is finalised.
  • Monitor the quality of cover work when a member of staff has a planned absence to ensure that learning that takes place within lessons is purposeful.
  • Year 1 of the Reading Strategy: increase the use of the library as a teaching resource and study space, develop a reading culture, and research teaching strategies to support teaching of reading.
  • Lessons are designed and planned to support the needs of all students, including those with SEND.
  • The Teaching and Learning Framework is launched and embedded as a tool to support lesson planning, professional dialogue and CPLD activity.
  • Upskill middle and senior leaders so that they can make best use of Power BI to analyse and act upon student level assessment data.
  • Further develop a range of approaches to providing effective recorded feedback so that all subject areas ensure policy is put into practice.
  • Expectations of the presentation of routine classwork are clear and adhered to consistently across all subjects and year groups.
  • Inculcate a culture of positive behaviour, wellbeing and resilience.
  • Upskill middle leaders so that they can make best use of Power BI to analyse and act upon student level behaviour data.
  • Ensure positive staff/student relationships are at the heart of the school's behaviour system.
  • Ensure that the new government guidance on attendance is fully embedded in our practice.
  • Design a coding and tracking system for students that are ‘present’ but not in lessons.
  • Develop and refine the tracking of students’ punctuality to lessons.
  • To develop new ways of working with the Family Liaison Officer to ensure clarity with intervention ( the EBSA process) and improve attendance.
  • Increase the number of students who are involved in the school's extra-curricular and enrichment offer.
  • Teaching staff are provided with the opportunity to develop their knowledge and skills of the interactive teaching tools being rolled out across the school.
  • Implement a new school management information system.


Flourish and Succeed:

  • Year 3 of wellbeing strategy: enhance mental health resources, including access to counselling and stress management workshops, and foster an inclusive environment.
  • Activities within non-assembly time for all year groups are planned and delivered coherently.
  • Increase awareness and accessibility of the 16-19 bursary among students and parents.
  • Sixth Form opportunities that provide information about non-university routes are accessed understood by all students.
  • Work Experience for students in Key Stage 4 will be delivered in Year 10.
  • Student Support Documents will be updated to incorporate SMART targets for each student.
  • Review the recording, reporting and communication systems used in school to support SEND students.
  • Develop and share good practice so that students are supported to become more resilient.


Leading the Learning:

  • Review FL link meeting agendas.
  • Implement new Parents' Evening programme.
  • Recruit new members to the PTA.
  • Review the information sent home for parents as students prepare for external and internal exams.
  • Link Governor visits are routinely undertaken as planned.
  • The LGB review the school's strategic intents and input into the development of the annual SDP.


Passionate About People:

  • Understand better the administrative tasks routinely undertaken by teaching staff.
  • Plan and implement the twilight programme for all staff.
  • Implement and evaluate the changes to October half term.
  • Implement the new approach to Performance Management.
  • Ensure that planning of all quality assurance activity includes how feedback will be provided.


Simply Civic

  • Implement action plan and successfully reapply for International Schools Award.
  • Sixth Form enrichment programme incorporates volunteering opportunities.
  • Displays across the school, both in classrooms and corridors, are up to date and relevant. Internal screens are used to increase students’ awareness, knowledge and understanding of cross curricular themes.
  • Complete phase 1 of the Sports First project.
  • Enrichment opportunities making use of specialist facilities are provided for primary school students in the Trust and at Horncastle Primary School.
  • Maintain and develop the eco-garden so that it becomes an area of biodiversity.
  • Reduce the school's consumption of energy and resources by, for example, reducing photocopying, turning off lights, computers, etc.
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