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Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School Horncastle

Year 7 Normandy Trip July 2024

Our Year 7s had some busy days in Normandy. After an overnight journey to Calais we stopped in Bologne to visit Nausicaa and the old town. We then proceeded to travel to our destination in Criel-sur-Mer where we were met by our animateur, who kept the students busy with activities, speaking lots of French to them. The next day we went to Le Tréport, where students had to buy their own ingredients for their sandwiches during the market mission, speaking French while they were doing so. We then went up the cliffs in the funicular railway but decided to replace the cliff walk with lunch and ice cream in the café at the top of the cliffs due to the incessant rain. In the afternoon we walked to the beach at Criel-sur-Mer and spent a happy hour skipping stones before heading to the bowling. On our last day we visited a supermarket and drove to Amiens where we had a guided tour, visiting the cathedral and looking at some of the street art on the way. This time we were lucky with the weather and were able to have lunch outside in the cathedral square. Finally we drove to a dairy farm, where students had the chance to milk cows and drink some fresh milk. The farm smell wasn’t to everyone’s taste but the calves and cats were very cute. The journey back went smoothly and after catching an earlier ferry we arrived back at QEGS in good time. Thank you to all the students and staff that went and made this trip such a brilliant experience.