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Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School Horncastle

Headteacher Commendations Nominations Spring 2024

Spring Term Headteacher’s Commendations were awarded to the following students for their amazing contributions both inside and outside of school. Each student is receiving a personalised letter from the Headteacher.

Jonty Obermuller - Year 7
Jonty is being awarded the Headteacher's Commendation in recognition of outstanding dedication and contributions to our school community. Since joining us in September, Jonty has exemplified excellence in all facets of school life. From actively participating in choirs and the pantomime to earning numerous commendations for his remarkable efforts, he consistently embodies positivity and kindness. Jonty's infectious smile and impeccable manners make him a standout amongst his peers, serving as an inspiring role model within our school community and making him unquestionably deserving of this prestigious award.

Luca Bachrati - Year 8
Luca is being awarded the Headteacher's Commendation in recognition of her outstanding achievements and contributions to our school community. Luca has consistently demonstrated an ambitious and conscientious attitude, which has resulted in good academic progress across all areas throughout this academic year and she has received the highest number of commendations in her year group thus far. Luca stands out as one of our top-performing students, consistently excelling in all areas of her studies. Moreover, Luca's exceptional behaviour sets a positive example for her peers. She has earned a significant number of merits (50+) and is highly regarded by both staff and fellow students alike for her respectful and responsible demeanour. Luca not only performs well academically, but also represents the school in football which demonstrates her commitment to the wider life of the school. Luca is a very deserving recipient of this prestigious award.

Deran Jaggernauth - Year 8
Deran is being awarded the Headteacher's Commendation in recognition of his outstanding achievements and contributions to our school community. Deran is an extremely gifted student - he is our top performing academic student in the year across all subjects. Deran matches his academic gifts with a mild mannered confidence and humility; he is an excellent role model for the cohort. Deran has gained a well above average number of commendations, and 40+ merits so far this year. His teachers confirm he is a pleasure to teach and is well worthy of this Headteacher’s Commendation.

Daniel Miao - Year 9
Daniel is being awarded the Headteacher's Commendation in recognition of his outstanding achievements in Music. Daniel is an outstanding musician who performed at Louth Allegro Apassionato as part of the QEGS lunchtime concert. At the young age of only 14, Daniel is already tackling Grade 8 Piano with finesse, displaying a remarkable level of natural expression and mastery over the instrument. Beyond his impressive musical abilities, Daniel consistently puts 100% effort into all aspects of his lessons. Whether it's diligently tackling classwork, engaging in analytical writing, composing using both traditional and modern music technologies, or delivering stellar performances, Daniel always gives his utmost effort. Daniel is always striving to be the best he can be and he is an excellent role model to his peers. This commitment, passion, and unwavering dedication make him a very deserving recipient of this prestigious award.

Amelie Bremner - Year 9
Amelie is being awarded the Headteacher's Commendation in recognition of her hard work, commitment and exceptional dedication to her studies, particularly in English. Her tireless efforts and outstanding contributions to the classroom make her a shining star among her peers. In addition to her academic achievements, Amelie showcased her incredible vocal abilities by delivering a solo performance at the Voice It event, in front of an audience of 50 people. Furthermore, Amelie consistently graces our school's open mic events with her talent and passion for performance. Amelie’s dedication to both her studies and her contributions to the wider life of the school set a commendable example for her peers, making her a role model within our school community.

Henry Vear - Year 10
Henry is being awarded the Headteacher's Commendation in recognition of his continued excellence in his studies and remarkable contributions to the school community. Henry actively and regularly contributes to the wider life of the school, particularly in representing the school in sporting events, advocating against discrimination as a Young Ambassador, and delivering impactful speeches during important school events such as the Y9 Parental Options Evening and the Y9 Options Assembly. His enthusiastic participation in whole school initiatives further underscores his leadership qualities, and his commitment to creating an inclusive and vibrant school environment. Henry’s dedication to both his studies and his contributions to the wider life of the school set a commendable example for his peers, making him an inspiring role model within our school community. Henry is a very deserving recipient of this prestigious award.

Martha Forrester - Year 10
Martha is being awarded the Headteacher's Commendation in recognition of her outstanding kindness and care for others, and for her dedication, and positive contributions to the school community. Martha's unwavering commitment to supporting her peers, coupled with her strong work ethic and academic diligence, truly sets her apart. Her invaluable contributions to the school library and her pursuit of theatrical talents outside of school demonstrate her multifaceted commitment to personal growth. Additionally, her active participation in school concerts, guitar lessons, and choir rehearsals further underscores her vibrant involvement in the school's wider activities. Martha's remarkable qualities make her a highly deserving recipient of this prestigious award, and we are delighted to honour her achievements.

Millie Walker - Year 11
Millie is being awarded the Headteacher's Commendation in recognition of her achievements and invaluable contributions to the school community. Her impactful speeches during significant school events such as the Year 9 Parental Options Evening and the Year 9 Options Assembly exemplify her leadership qualities and ability to inspire others. Furthermore, Millie's outstanding accomplishments in rugby demonstrate her remarkable dedication and skill, showcasing her as a role model for her peers. Despite her demanding athletic commitments, Millie maintains excellent academic performance, underscoring her remarkable balance and determination. Millie's exemplary conduct and achievements make her an unquestionably deserving recipient of this prestigious award.

Isabelle Sharman - Year 11
Isabelle is being awarded the Headteacher's Commendation in recognition of her outstanding contributions to the school community, particularly her commendable leadership and dedication in organising the Year 11 prom. Isabel's positive demeanour and diligent approach to her studies serve as an inspiration to her peers, but it is her exceptional efforts in coordinating the year group and liaising with external agencies that make her stand out in her year group. Her tireless commitment and organisational skills have ensured that the Year 11 prom will be an unforgettable evening, marking the culmination of five years of hard work and friendship. Isabel's remarkable leadership, coordination, and dedication make her a true role model for her peers, and she is unquestionably deserving of this prestigious award.

Harry Masters - Year 12
Harry is being awarded the Headteacher's Commendation in recognition of his contributions to the wider life of our school community. Harry embodies the qualities of a true leader, consistently demonstrating politeness, willingness to help, and outstanding character. His dedication to mentoring and supporting the Year 7 Boys football team has been particularly commendable. Harry's commitment to coaching, refereeing, and fostering positive relationships with the team members exemplifies his role as a role model among his peers and younger students. Harry also gives his time to represent the school at football in the sixth form team, his exemplary conduct both on and off the field undoubtedly makes him a standout member of his year group, and I wholeheartedly believe he is deserving of this prestigious award.

Leonard Chapman - Year 12
Leonard is being awarded the Headteacher's Commendation in recognition of the positive impact he has made, and continues to make, to our school community. Leonard, affectionately known as Lenny, embodies the essence of kindness and brightness, consistently uplifting the spirits of those around him. His genuine politeness is evident in his daily interactions, as he warmly greets everyone with a cheerful "good morning" and eagerly volunteers to assist staff with various tasks. Furthermore, Lenny's exemplary character was demonstrated last year when he took on Prefect duties, despite being new to Year 12. His willingness to support Year 13 students with their responsibilities showcases his selflessness and dedication to serving others. Lenny serves as a shining example for his peers, embodying the values and qualities that epitomise our school's ethos. Lenny is unquestionably deserving of this prestigious award. His unwavering commitment to fostering a positive environment reflects the very essence of what our school stands for, making him a most worthy recipient of this commendation.

Aleyshia Pycock - Year 13
Aleyshia is being awarded the Headteacher's Commendation in recognition of her exceptional contribution to the wider life of our school community, particularly within the Year 7 Netball Club. Throughout her time in Years 12 and 13, Alicia has demonstrated unwavering dedication by volunteering every Monday lunchtime to support the Year 7 Netball Club. Her responsibilities have been extensive, ranging from taking the register, organising teams, and providing coaching to umpiring match play. Moreover, Alicia's commitment extends beyond the confines of the lunchtime club, as she has attended all Year 7 matches over the past two years, both home and away. In this capacity, she has played a pivotal role in team selection, provided invaluable coaching, and ensured smooth match operations by making timely substitutions and umpiring as required. Alicia's exemplary conduct, enthusiasm, and commitment to nurturing the talents of younger students make her a truly outstanding role model within our school community. Her presence will be sorely missed next year, but her legacy of dedication and passion will undoubtedly inspire others for years to come.

Bethan Beese & Gabby Phipps-Smith - Year 13
Bethan and Gabby are being awarded a joint Headteacher's Commendation in recognition of their outstanding efforts to raise awareness of Stem Cell Donations and their remarkable acts of generosity. Gabby's initiative in approaching the school to develop and deliver an assembly on Stem Cell Donations, coupled with her own registration on the Anthony Nolan Stem Cell Register, exemplifies her commitment to making a difference to the lives of others. Her determination to organise a Stem Cell Donation event at the school further demonstrates her dedication to encouraging more students to come forward and potentially save lives. Similarly, Bethan's selflessness and compassion shine through her registration on the Anthony Nolan Stem Cell Register and her recent identification as a match for a patient in need of a transplant. Her willingness to donate stem cells to help save a life is a testament to her extraordinary character and generosity. Both Bethan and Gabby serve as role models within our school community, actively contributing to the wider life of the school while achieving highly academically. Their dedication to raising awareness of stem cell donations and their selfless acts of kindness are truly commendable. In light of their remarkable achievements, unwavering dedication, and commitment to making a positive impact, both Bethan and Gabby are highly deserving of this prestigious commendation. We are immensely proud of their contributions and grateful for their inspiring leadership.